I never know what I'm getting into when I start reading. Should I read just one verse a day? Chew on a section for several days? Through the Bible in a year?
I'm such a cluttered mind. This is my "in" basket.

And this
is the aftermath of my mama's 89th birthday party last night.
Psst...Did you notice I'd inserted her name into the scripture above or did you just skim it?
Did you stop and read it word for word? ... or did you think you actually already knew all it had to say? Did you realize it is a personal word to you, not just the Corinthians who may just as well have been the Martians for all the connection you feel with them? Who really cares about an ancient society? I identify more with Jane Austen's world, and it was fiction for Pete's Sake. (Sorry, when I use the word "you" I'm preaching to myself. I do that sometimes.)
And then I read it as if it were specifically mine.
I always thank my God for my Mama because of his grace given her in Christ Jesus.
5For in him Mom has been enriched in every way
7Therefore Mom does not lack any spiritual gift as she eagerly waits for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.

8He will also keep her firm to the end, so that she will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is faithful, who has called my precious mom into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
I don't think I need to hear anything else this morning. My heart is full. This is enough.
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