I don't get it. And this is why so many get frustrated. Didn't Paul say earlier in this letter not to judge? Didn't I, in my blog before this, assume he was saying "Mourn instead of judging" in verses 1-2?
So if he said not to judge in one place, then he's said they are arrogant and in error for not judging, maybe the difference is in what things are to be judged and what things are not to be judged?
So... what was not to be judged earlier on?
I started this post 2 days ago. Insert here, a time of mourning. I'm headed into Thanksgiving with SUCH a thankful heart. But I had to be drug over an emotional wall to a place of safety to get here. My own personal sorrows are tied up in loss. Loss of a brother when I was only 13. Loss of Laurie Lynn who I can not fathom our family being without. Impending loss of friends and relatives who are bravely fighting mortality. I have not faced tragedy nearly as great as others have. But if you've ever lost even one person who died before their time, then you know the "why's" that you ask knowing there will be no answer.
A young boy in pain recently took his own life in our area. He also took the lives of some classmates. Should we have seen it? I didn't know him, but I did know another young boy who tried to commit suicide within a week of this incident. All within the week of my brother's birthday...
And we want to scream, "This is crazy!" ...and it is.
I wanted to block God out. And yet He came to me with the sweetest comfort.
It's easy to block God out.
You simply talk about Him instead of talking to Him.
And we assume that if we talk to Him, He'll frown and scold us for not knowing the answers to why we don't understand Him. But He is love... even in silence, even in pain, even in our doubts.
Why He lets us choose anything is beyond me. But if I did not get any choices, then I'm quite sure I would never experience joy of any kind. They are connected.
You can not have a healthy relationship without freedom to choose who you will be in that relationship. Trust only comes when we choose to be trustworthy.
In the meantime, I'm stumped about this "judging" thing. Paul says NOT to judge here:
Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 2In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy. 3But to me it is a very small thing that I may be examined by you, or by any human court; in fact, I do not even examine myself.
In this case, it has to do with whether he can be found trustworthy with the message of Christ.
But later on, when it comes to adultery, he says we ARE to judge. Perhaps, that's because overlooking adultery, much less practicing it, means we are NOT trustworthy representatives of Christ?
I don't know how to look up the original Greek meanings of words. I guess I'm about to find out.
AARGH! I'm becoming a total nerd.