Saturday, July 4, 2015

We sacrifice our freedom to idols...

I COR 10: 14-17   Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. 15I speak to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say. 16Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ? 17Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf.

July 4th.

Unlike any other in our nation's history.  I am sad.

We've made sex an idol.  We've told God that He simply doesn't know how we feel or what we need to be fulfilled.

But, be that as it depressingly may be, I have to take a hard look at my own idols.

When I am discontent - not thankful - what am I looking to for fulfillment?  "That there's yer own personal idol, lady."

Mine?  Wanting to be accepted.  Every performer dreams of the audience who thinks the performer is wonderful.  American Idol is the most appropriately named show.

We, the idol worshiper, want to be the idol.

I have an invisible list of how I'd like to be perceived.  Idolatry.

I have an invisible list of who I'd like to be accepted by.  Idolatry.

I have a dream of being "the one" who changes peoples lives with my clever words.  Idolatry.

I have grand de-lusions about being a famous artist.  Idolatry.

Is it any wonder that so many artists/performers become isolated, depressed?  

When I want to be glorified -  when I want to be set apart and not share the one loaf, but go looking for a loaf of my own...   Idolatry.


When I begin to offer thanks - when I take even one baby step toward humbling myself under the hand of a merciful God,  He sets me free to use my gifts without chains.  The manacles fall off my wrists and my hand holds the brush unfettered, literally.

He fills my imagination.

Lord, forgive me for thinking for even a second that your love is not enough to set me free.

Odd.  When I rebelliously chase my idols muttering, "I can do whatever I want, and this is the way to get it,"  I lose everything I want.  I am never satisfied.  I can't get enough comfort, enough accolades, enough feedback, enough ego stroking...  There's the irony of the Christian life.  BUT when I begin to offer thanksgiving, all those empty spaces are filled with light and I am content.

When I surrender to Christ's love, when I look at Him realizing that He has provided all I will EVER need to be free...

I have all when I let go of all.  (In the world of idolatry, the world of "reach out and grab your destiny", this thought flies in the face of fake freedom.)

Losing all to find that I've been given all.  Only God can do that type of thing.

Lord, forgive me for thinking for even a second that your love is not enough to set me free.

THAT's worth a party!!!!