Sunday, September 7, 2014


I'm a slow processor.  But that's ok.  Some of us were put here on earth to make sure people see the tiny things -  the single snowflake, the baby's eyelash that holds the kiss of a rainbow.

I've been called mystic, poetic, artistic... and oddly, it always strikes me as funny because I feel basically..well, pretty plain.  I'm horrible at small talk.  I never really know what to wear.  I often feel like everyone got a memo on the basic things and all I can do is decorate it.  It's like they are speaking this other beautiful language that I always understood but couldn't speak.  (Kind of like being an American in England; some words just don't translate the same.)

HOWEVER!  I am about to read 1 Corinthians.  I know, right?  Not exactly headline material for a blog.

To start this remarkable journey, I'm going to let you read my mail, literally.  I'm going to paste in an email I just wrote to a soul mate a couple of days ago.  It pretty much says why I'm going to blog about reading 1 Corinthians.

Here it is:

Dearest exhausted friend,

I'm so sorry your work is eating you.  I'm asking God to show you why you can't shut it off.

Me?  I just finally sat down with Him and told Him I didn't want to be there.  He calls daily.  I see His number on my caller ID.  I know it's not a sales call.  I know that name is someone I love, but I don't pick up.  He leaves a message through a sermon, an article, a book.  But it's not the same as a conversation.

I don't want to talk about what I assume He'll nail me with.  The poorly maintained, dirty and dusty me that is showing inside and out.  I literally have not vacuumed but once the whole summer.

But now with Davis gone, I'm aching to want him to call and just tell me about his day.  I text him now and then, but I ache for him to just call for no reason but to talk.

drip.  I'm starting to get it.

    But I've avoided Him for so long.  He even sends prophets and miracles, but I won't just sit and talk.  Why would He lavish me with love that way?

    drip.  This dried out weary me/soul is starting to notice I'm thirsty.

        I've decided, no I've realized I want to, blog through the book of 1Corinthians.  I'm going to blog as a somewhat introverted, prone to depression, 50 something, never quite dressed well mom.  I'm going to take it at face value and assume God knows Himself better than even Beth Moore or Francis Chan or even Mother Theresa know Him.  I'm going to assume that if He says something is bad.... it's bad.  I'm going to assume that if He says "Do this",  then I should just do it.  I'm going to assume that if He describes Himself a certain way, then He really is that way.  I'm going to take it at face value and assume the Bible is Truth.

        I'm going to assume that I'll be wrong sometimes.  I'm going to assume that it won't matter because as long as I keep reading His word, He'll show me where I'm off.  I'm going to assume He actually wants me to know Him for our sake, mine and His.

        And if, in the end, I think He's a fake... I can walk away.  But I've known Him just enough and for too long to think that will actually be the case.  And yet I'm going in with that freedom.

    I'm going to take I Corinthians one verse at a time - for ME.  This may take a month - or the rest of my life.  I have no idea and I refuse to let it matter.  I'm reading it as Lydia Crouch...

What's so special about 1Corinthians?  I have no idea.  Guess I'll find out!

OK, I just spewed.  Sorry about that.  Want a towel?

May just copy and paste this as my blog post.  LOL

I love you!

So... I'll see you tomorrow probably.  I'll meet you at verse one. 



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