Sunday, October 12, 2014

...can I call you Lord?

I Cor 10:18  Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 17If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are. 

Lord.  Can I call you that?  Am I letting you be that?  Lord.  Please be that.  Please be Lord over all the growing pains going on right now.

There are things you can not talk about on a blog.  I guess some people do, but we are the temple of God.  I am the temple of God. 

Most of the time, I feel like I'm on the outside looking in.  No really, I feel like I'm inside looking out the window.  People are making decisions that effect my life.  And I want to hide so I can avoid any pain and protect myself and those I love.   But you're here telling me are the temple of God.

Usually, I go straight into looking at how I treat my body and how I eat under stress when I read these verses. 

But this says, the Spirit of God dwells in you,

It states it as a fact.  It states it in the context of a plural "you" that I have to be a part of.

If I look back at the context of what I've been learning in the first part of this letter, here's what I see:

To be resentful destroys the body of Christ.  To blame and compare destroys the body of Christ.  To be defensive destroys the body of Christ.

It's about how we handle success as we walk together.  Are we jealous when our life is hard and others seems to prosper as a result of our hardships?  It's so hard to handle. 

Sometimes, when our life is hard, we just don't want for others to be blessed.

It's so easy to divide into camps.

There are "others" in relationships. And sometimes it's just cold and muddy where we pitch our tents.

I'm in a place where there's so much change happening so fast that I can't see through the storm making this mud. 

Lord, could I just say this?  I really hate growing pains.

I've deleted as much as I've written.  I need to be careful.  Lord, help me never destroy your body with my words in any way.

Sometimes things are so out of my control that there's absolutely nothing to say but "delete"
... and then there's just nothing to say but

"Lord? " 

Please help me walk with You through these growing pains.  Please be Lord over them.  It's very hard to trust you when I can't see where you're taking some of this stuff.  Lord, it's very hard to let go.  But if I don't then I really can't call you, LORD.

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