Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I don't have time to be here

Lord, I don't have time to be here!  I have a meeting at 11:00.  The show is starting and two magazine issues are overlapping.  I'm frantic and feeling like I, Lydia, should be above my A game.  I feel like I should be .... well... YOU!  That's the truth isn't it?  Instead of relying on you, enjoying you, starting and ending and being wrapped up in you; I feel like it's all up to me.


I Cor 3

I've just read all of it.

I'm so thankful for this website.  Even my tech-terror comes in as a blessing.  A different version/translation comes up depending on how I enter what I'm looking for.  I see each verse in several translations by the time I'm done.

So many things in this chapter tie in to what I've got to accomplish... but here's the deal.  It's not up to me.

Last night and today are production calendar days.  In our family, that means 4-6 calendars have to mesh...
Oh and then add the Magazine production calendars (2 of them this time) to that.  Today is the day we look at the big picture and check the foundation.

Today I'm looking at the big picture of chapter 3:

Paul says there's no room for jealousy... each of us have a job to do toward ONE purpose

Rich and I sat down last night and realized we need to really open up for this show and let others rise up more in leadership areas.

For the magazine, we'll be expanding our contributor list and adding more talent.  The best product will come when we don't try to do everything in house.

Paul talks about the cleansing/testing fire! 

The theme of our fall show is "Catch fire"...
In fact, I just zipped off this description to the graphic artist who does our PR work...

The name of the show is:

  The Offering 2014
  Catch Fire!

Thinking of the fire that purifies... that blue flame that fans red/orange/yellow.   Could be track shoes ignited by flame (run the race)?

We want to emote intense energy, action, inspiration, freedom....

Paul talks about being the temple. 

I also read my Daily Light devotional book (all scripture) this a.m.   The whole morning reading focused on our personal bodies being the temple of God!

Today is the first of 3 days without sugar for me.  Not a small thing. 

UNBELIEVABLE how you're confirming this feeble effort on my part.

Paul talks about wisdom... God uses what looks like foolishness to my conventional list-keeping, number crunching, nervous planning ways.

It doesn't make sense to sit first before heading into this time crunched day.  It doesn't make sense to exercise when my ducks aren't yet in a row for the meeting.  But this is obedience.  This is where I meet God for real. But Lord, if I don't do these jobs WITH you, then it will all just burn away leaving nothing but pollution as fruit.

Right here in the thick of it.  If He's not God here, then I'm a farce.

 I'm excited to work through chapter 3 now!

And to think I was "too busy" to sit down with You!

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