Thursday, February 6, 2014

... walking like me

Ever noticed how every person's walk is as individual as their fingerprint?  You can see a good friend from a distance in the mall and know it's them before you can see their face.

We can try to walk like someone else, but it's...well... awkward. 

That's what I discovered with attacking our files.  I know paper files are becoming obsolete, but there are times when you need to hold a script in your hand, spread it out on the table with friends...

But hey, wanna see my progress?

So it still looks a tad messy still with the "post its", but that's a job for another day.  The funny thing is, you may not see much difference.  That's how it goes with change.  We feel like, "OH MAN, that was a life changing day!"  Others may look on from the outside and say, "Um, yeah.  That's, um, nice." 

What you can't see at first glance is what happened.  I dove into a task that required me to define how we will work as a non-profit, how we will work together as a couple, how we will access resources and information.

But more than that, I overcame a HUGE obstacle that was so silly.  What was that?  Get ready.  This is deep.  Ready?  Here it is.

I can't think like my husband.

That's it.

Deep, right?

I've tried harder than you know.  But I simply am unable to organize files numerically with the most used files in the front.  My hemispheres don't grid that way.  It's not that I'm unwilling to try to think like my husband, it's that I CAN'T. 

You wouldn't believe how many discussions we've had about how to set up our files and never been able to agree.  We don't fight.  We just avoid.  And then it all - literally - piles up.

So, I prayed about it.  (I'm quick that way.  It only took me 5 years or more to ask God about it.  Heh, heh.)

Know what?  I suddenly realized it has nothing to do with who's right or wrong.  It just comes down to this;  It's my job and I can only do it with my brain.  Rich will love it because it's done and working.  Sure, it wouldn't be the way he would do it.  But here's the deal.  His way would work just as well as mine, but it's my job so we'll just have to do it my way.  We'll save collaboration for things like script writing that really warrant that type of energy.

I'm confident, he's pleased, I'm having a blast and I have allowed myself to think like me.  That doesn't mean it won't get tweeked to be more user friendly for my guy, but we both win.  I LOVE THAT!

Funny, how being true to the person I was born to be can filter into file labels and freedom... and a better marriage.

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